Meditation for Happiness 

Don't we all want to be happy? Isn't happiness available to us all? Yes and Yes! But how in the world do we feel happy amidst great challenge? The answer is closer than you might realize. All the great wisdom traditions--from the wise Buddha to the modern Benedictine monks to the latest research in cognitive psychology--say this: If you want to be happy, practice gratitude. But how do you practice gratitude if you don't feel grateful? That's the trick! Watch this short video and learn how to trick you mind into happiness. It's fun, relaxing, and can be practiced anywhere at anytime. Subscribe to my channel and get more coaching in yoga that will help you be more easeful, peaceful, and useful!

Meditation for Love

I made a little love meditation for you 💞 Take five minutes to feel loved and supported, and to send love out into the world, too! If we all took five minutes a day to connect with love just imagine how peaceful the world could be! 🌟☮️ From my heart to yours, let's connect in the meditation right now and feel the abundant joy, creativity, and connection! Made with love on Valentine's Day 2020 ✌🏼❤️☮️

Healing Visualization

This is a simple and enjoyable visualization that uses the power of nature to heal ourselves and our community. Use this visualization every day to build more mental clarity, physical ease, and emotional stability. This clip is from part of a live lecture I gave on the Spring Equinox 2020. You can catch the whole lecture here if you dig it!

Based on my lineage of yoga tradition, Integral Yoga, these techniques are time tested, powerful, and can be enjoyed by people from all faiths and backgrounds. Answer the call to be a true healer of our world by starting with yourself. We’re in this together!