Feeling Confused? Get Clarity!

Get help with this Meditation for Clarity

It is easy to feel confused or frustrated, especially when we are in the heat of the moment. When we are in a challenging relationship, changing jobs, deciding on a new business venture, or dealing with health challenges it is easy to get stuck and feel indecisive. 

We spend so much of our life consuming information, looking to other people for advice, asking therapists or spiritual advisors for help...and all of this is super helpful information. 

But if we don't balance it with practices that calm our minds we can get stuck and live only in our head. We miss our lives because we only think about the thoughts we are thinking; we end up living in a prison of thoughts. Why live only in our minds and deny ourselves the opportunity to experience life? 

What helps is to train ourselves to be present.

To see what is actually happening; rather than our wish that things were different, our desire for something else, or our denial about what is occurring.

If we truly want clarity we need to balance the information we receive with a practice that helps us find perspective. And that's where simple meditation comes in. Taking a few minutes every day to be present with ourselves, to give space for our minds, bodies, and emotions to process with compassion is crucial.

Because when we allow ourselves a bit of space to see what we are feeling and sensing and learning, it allows for the dust of our lives to settle.

We can drop into the moment.

And just allow the moment to be. And in this place of quiet, clarity can arise with no effort from us. All that is required is the courage to sit with yourself.

You are enough. You are worth a few moments every day spent in meditation.

Your clarity is waiting to be discovered.

Gita Brown2 Comments